Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Mom's Pain


Just read a blog from a frustrated, end of her rope mom who has found out her daughter has to endure back surgery to correct scoliosis. This mom is feeling the pain of loving someone in need and probably the greater pain of helplessness.

Made me think back a few years to the days of feeling that same pain. Grace has been through too much in her 17 years. Those that know her well, would tell you she has an incredible spirit and always manages to persevere.

As her mom I’m not sure which events in her life have been the toughest. She was only five the first time she had a stay in an intensive care unit. She had a simple surgery and couldn’t breathe on her own after. She spent about 4 weeks there. Her worst stay was at the age of 9. She had pneumonia and due to circumstances that are too lengthy to write in this post ended flying to another hospital, had a code blue, needed a tracheotomy, and finally returned home after about 11 weeks. She had a couple short over night stays that were uneventful ( if a stay can be considered that). Her last stay was scheduled, something that almost made it harder to endure. She was about 12, and was having the same back surgery that the woman from the other blog’s daughter will have. It was, for Grace, a short stay about 5 days. I think that long walk to the surgery room was the hardest walk I’d endured. As her parents we knew the risks of a long surgery, those risks are compounded by her muscle condition. Grace has never been a fool, she also knew the risks. She had even given me instructions as to what to do with her doll that she cherished since her first birthday. Even though she was 12 and the doll seemed to be tossed aside, it was her treasure and wanted it to go to her best friend if she didn’t need it again.

Sitting in the waiting area through surgery was unbearable, there were people coming and going, laughing and talking. We just sat there in a daze. Close to the same daze we’d been in at other times in our lives with Grace. But in those times there always seemed to be decisions to make, questions to ask, people to call. This was different. We knew it would be a long surgery, we were told to expect 8 hours, it turned into 10. I must say that when the attendant said that there was a call for us, it turned out to be was a relief, something to look forward to. A nurse from the surgery room was calling with updates. Grace was doing fine, things were going well. We got calls every few hours and I could only continue to pray and of course think back to Grace’s question to the doctor when he said it would be 8 hours. She wanted to know what he would do if her had to use the bathroom.

Of course Grace’s surgery went perfectly, it was a hard recovery because it’s such a huge procedure. I can only say to anyone feeling that pain of frustration and helplessness that it was worth it. Knowing that if I had to fix my child, there would be no hope. I have a strong faith and feel that Grace was never in my hands anyway. She has not always had the best doctors, but in her greatest times of need she has had the best. I thank God daily for her and try to be the best parent I can. I fail daily, but manage to keep going. I feel for this other mom. The pain is hard. I’ve cried writing this just remembering. Just remember, it’s been worth it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Regular ol' Kid

Regular Ol’ Kid

As I posted before Grace changed schools this year. I thought it was a bit crazy, this being her senior year. I must say what a great change it has been for her. Around the time she switched school she also lost her best friend from the last few years. I’m sure those of us that are a bit older can remember how crazy teen relationships can be. She was able to reconnect with an old friend at this new school and even though she only attends school one day a week, she has made plenty of new friends.

Yesterday was a powder puff football game and dance after. Since she is in the leadership class she is involved with these events and is required to attend.

She took her friend Zach with her for moral support. It wasn’t really needed, since she was welcomed by quite a few kids at school. But it was a good opportunity for him to meet her friends.

Anyway the whole point of my long windedness ( is that a real word?) is to say how nice it was for Grace to just be a regular teen. She was invited to a movie after the school events and just had an all around good evening. Being with Zach always lifts her spirits, but I think feeling that her new friends liked him and that they were included in a non school outing also made her day. It’s always tough to be the new kid, and I wish it weren’t a fact, but being the new and only kid at the school in a wheelchair makes it even scarier. It’s nice for her to feel part of a group and I must say as a mom that sees everything. It’s nice to see her just be a regular ol’ kid