Monday, March 7, 2011

Dance Inchie Dance

Inchie day....Today's topic is dance.. I think of many things when I think of dancing. I'm not much of a dancer myself, but I met my husband while out dancing. I loved to dance with the preschoolers I taught for so many years. I was even dorky enough to enjoy that weird square dance thing they forced us to do at 6th grade camp. For some reason I thought of a little ladybug dancing in it's own little world. Maybe we all need a little dance in our lives now and then.


  1. Ladybugs are really happy bugs with happy feet! Great job! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. That is really cute Tipi. I love ladybugs. A dancing one is even better ;)

  3. an enchanting ladybug doing a delightful spring dance! Love your inchie.

  4. Love the ladybug! And I think you'r right---I've been dancing a lot more lately (driving down the road, in the morning when I'm getting ready) and feel significantly better about the world at large.

  5. What a sweet ladybug dance inchie! Hey, I just did a little dance to an oldie and I didn't care who watched. LOL!!!!
