Tuesday, March 22, 2011

That Time

Seems to be that time of year when Grace just doesn't feel her best. I don't know if it's the rain we've had or if it's allergies as all the almond blossoms have bloomed. She just feels like she's trying to catch a cold and has a sore throat. Mostly she's tired. Just can't force her to go to school when she's like this, I know her immunities are low and most people go to school when they're sick, can't expose her to too much.
On the other hand she can't live in a bubble. I always believed kids should get dirty, run barefoot,( or roll in her case :)catch a little bug now and then. Unfortunately when you have breathing problems a little bug can morph into pneumonia before you know it. Grace knows her body so well, that she usually knows when she should see the doctor. She's prone to ear infections, but has never had an ear ache from them, we just figure it out because it causes a fever or she just doesn't feel right.
Anyway I do ramble! I talked to her school counselor today to see what we can do to keep her up in geometry, she's missed about a week of classes because she's gone to school late on the days she has gone. I think we've figured out a plan and need to see if it'll work. She'll sleep late ( mornings are the hardest for her) go for a 1/2 day and then go to the after-school math class for help with what she doesn't understand. Hopefully she can catch up and when she's feeling better she can go back to her regular schedule. If she misses her first 3 classes it shouldn't be too hard for her, she has photography and yearbook, the teacher in those classes will give her alternate assignments she can work on from home. Most of her other classes won't be as hard to catch up in as long as her teachers are patient. It's just math that's difficult and although I'm at school with her I don't always learn the math like she does. Just not my subject. So that's where we are this week. Always something to figure out. I'm thankful for a flexible school staff :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have worked out a great plan for her to be able to keep up with her classes.
