Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Gonna have to drag over my soap box again.........this school year the winter break was a late one. It was from a couple of days before Christmas till Jan 9th. Seems this has just messed up some teachers' schedules. They have one less week to teach required material before the big review time for state testing. I think it's crazy that those state tests have become so important. I realize it all comes down to the mighty dollar. the schools with the best scores will have more people interested in having their children attend those schools which means more money for cash strapped schools blah blah blah.
Don't know when school became something other than teaching. Everyone feels pressure to "perform" better than the year before. Pressure on teachers and administrators just trickles down to students. Then the teaching is almost gone. It's come down to memorizing. Not actual learning why something happens the way it does, or making any sense out of what they're doing. Not fair to the students or the teachers. I'm sure they'd rather skip the entire waste of time testing and reviews as much as the students.
Ok, I'm done ranting.........well until the state testing begins. That's a whole other craziness in itself!

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