Wednesday, February 8, 2012


OK this has nothing to do with school, but I just have to share. When Grace was about 6 she spent a month in ICU at Shriner's hospital. When we came home our landlord told us that some friends of his had kittens and he thought Grace needed a kitty. I know a lot of landlords don't even allow pets but ours is the best when it comes to pets if we found an elephant he'd be OK with it living here. Anyway I'll get back to the cat. We took her to the people's property and into the barn where their cat had a litter of adorable kittens. Grace was immediately in love with the runt of the litter. I took one look at this little kitten and just knew he wouldn't survive the weekend and chose a second kitten as the back-up. This little Runty ( yes silly name but it stuck)  wasn't very healthy as he was 1/2 the size of the others and didn't even seem developed right. Anyway Runty lived and became a big healthy cat. He was the king of the house. So there we were with 2 cats for years.
Jump foreword about 10 years and we still have the cats. But for some reason Runty started taking little breaks from us, it started as just a couple of days then a week or two. He must have found a second home as he always came home fat and sassy. Well, about a year ago Runty didn't come home we kept looking for him and  calling for him, but no Runty he was definitely gone. After about 6 months I took Grace to the shelter and she picked out a cute little orange cat that has been her baby ever since. The new cat even rides around on the armrest of her wheelchair he just loves her.
Last night I saw a shadow on our front porch, I knew our female cat ( Runty's sister) wasn't outside and the new cat is an indoor cat. I was a little concerned that someone was on our porch and snuck to the window and peeked out. I didn't see anyone so I pulled back the curtain more and there he was, Runty!!! After a year he came home again. He's not really fat this time, and has a sore on one foot, but there he was home again. He walked in, meowed a "hello" and went straight to the food dish. He loved on all of us, my sister lives next door and when I called to tell her she even came over to see him. It amazes me that after all this time he came back. I don't know if he has another home or what happened. The new cat isn't too happy about Runty being here, but they'll work things out. And Grace? She is so happy to have Runty home again. Never would have believed he'd return but so happy he did.

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