Monday, July 11, 2011

Love and Sweet Inchies

You know how you have that weird feeling that you've forgotten something? Well, I spent this last week with that feeling. Thankfully I hadn't forgotten to unplug the iron, or left a loved one somewhere. I'd forgotten my inchie!!!!!!! Oh the shame........good thing about Inchie Monday's you can always catch up again:)

This week's challenge was I know love can go in so many directions. I am now addicted to Pinterest ( thank you Aileen my enabler) and keep finding button crafts everywhere on that site. so of course this week I chose buttons for my inchie. I just finished it and, yes, the glue is still wet as you can see :)

Last week I must have been too preoccupied with the July 4th holiday, the challenge was "sweet".........I made a sweetheart for my inchie. Here ya go.


  1. Hey it was my pleasure to enable you Mahahahhaa!
    You know my motto...when wet just add glitter LOL
    I guess I better get my arse in gear and make my inchies too!

  2. These are both so cute. I think the sweet heart is very clever!

  3. double duty! Buttons are, indeed, something to love and the hearts are very sweet.

  4. Love that Sweet heart and I too have a lot of buttons that I love.

  5. You are the real sweetheart... I love your Inchies. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
