Monday, December 20, 2010

School's Out

AHHHH,, finals are long past,,,so glad to have them finished. I guess I could look back to see if I've learned much. Guess I could just go down the list of classes..
Photography...hhmmmmmmmmm this is a repeat class from last year, so basically all the same things were covered.
Geometry...well, I'll admit to learning a great deal in this class, just don't ask me to take the final because it wouldn't show that I learned anything at all.
Yearbook..... I probably learn the most about the extra curricular activities in this class just from watching the seniors; it's party central at one young man's home practically every weekend.
English, have read some books that I somehow missed when I was in high school.
Drama..a fun class to sit back and observe. the students enjoy themselves while working together better than they do in most classes.
World History....I have probably learned the most in this class, I don't remember taking world history before, but I must have. Probably just didn't pay attention. Not sure Grace pays much attention either.
Biology....I never took biology in HS/ crazy how the standards and requirements have changed so much in ummmmm lets just say the past "few" years.  In my opinion this is a tough class and the students are basically teaching themselves most of the concepts. With the teacher reviewing before tests. if they figure out his style then they know  most of what will be on the tests..guess they're learning as much about bio as they are how to work with some boss they'll eventually have.
Sure hope my daughter has learned more academics than I have.
I have probably learned which teachers take themselves too serious, which teachers the kids should take more serious. who's dating whom this month, where the "smoking " area is, & who's house to keep your kids away on Friday night............maybe I am learning more than I realize.
Merry Christmas

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