Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pain & Patience

Wanted to give an update on Grace. She is still having pain in her hips and back.
Her insurance wouldn't OK a referral to a pain management specialist, said she had to see her orthopedic surgeon and muscle doctors. Yesterday was her appointment with the ortho doctor. We were both nervous that somehow her rods, pins or screws were causing the pain, but thankfully everything looked perfect to his team of doctors. He examined her hips where the pain was the worst yesterday, and he didn't think it was in her bones. He agreed that the new wheelchair seat, which we're still waiting on, would probably help, and that the muscle doctor is the next place to visit for help. I just got an appointment for next week, they squeezed her in, usually you have to wait months to get into his office.
That's it, still missing too much school, but she's managing to get caught up, just hard to learn when you're not there to hear the lectures. Good thing she knows how to self teach. It's just hard to concentrate when you're in pain. Breaks my heart to see her suffer ):

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