Thursday, November 18, 2010


Haven't been to school in a week, as Grace has been home sick, but we went back today.
It probably sounds strange, but most of the time I'm forgotten. The kids at school forget I'm there and just carry on as if I'm not one of the adults. I normally don't mind since I'm not on the prowl to "get them in trouble". I ignore most of what I hear. Now don't get me wrong, if I overheard or saw something dangerous or illegal I'd be forced to speak up. For the most part I just blend in. I stay quiet much of the time , I know this will come as a shocker for those of you that know me & my mouth.
Grace has a few classes that are more relaxed, kids have the privilege to come and go more in photography and yearbook than in other classes. Today I overheard a not so quiet conversation at the table I was sitting at. There is a group of 5 or 6 seniors at this table every day and they have some crazy conversations.
Today's topic was all about what jobs they're going to get. I didn't hear any of them mention college, which may explain the intelligence behind the statements I heard. Here are a few:
"I'm never working at fast food, I want to work at a restaurant"

"I'm going to work at the Sports Store, " someone asked her if they were hiring and she said "No, but I'm going to tell them I want a job" Who knew it was that easy? geesh all those people w/out jobs take note!!
"I will only work at a store with variety, so I don't get bored when I'm looking at the stuff"
"I can't believe so and so works at that cheap store at the mall, they don't have anything good."

There were more comments, but seriously after these, it took all I had not to just roll on the floor laughing. They honestly sounded like kindergartners, I'm gonna be a fireman, I'm going to be an astronaut, I'm going to work at the toy store so I can play with the trains.
It's a bit concerning to think that these are seniors. They'll be out on their own before long, praying that they can round up 2 or 3 fast food jobs just to buy gas money to make it to their next job. They were really trying to have such a mature adult conversation. they're in for a rude awakening soon. Hope they realize college, trade school, something after high school is a necessity to get practically any job.

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