Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back at It

After a short illness and a week off for Thanksgiving, we're finally back to school. Doesn't look like Grace missed much. Thankfully for her things don't move too fast in most her classes, math is a bit difficult to keep up with, but with an understanding teacher, Grace is doing fine.
She got a packet in English today, it was handed out on a day she was absent. When she opened it she was amazed at the work, hopefully it's considered review because she did all this work in 6th grade. Seems like this class is either very difficult or very easy. Am thinking the easy things must be topics that are required for the grade level, but honestly, I think most 10th grade students know to use "wouldn't" in place of "would not".
The holiday season is definitely upon us, I hear kids talking about what they're getting little brothers, going skiing on the break and I loved this, "My grandma should buy me a car instead of building onto her house"............ahhhh to be a teen, no worries of how to pay those credit cards off come January!!

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