Wednesday, November 10, 2010


You remember every family get together, there was always at least one old man that all the kids bet on. It wasn't that he was especially talented at something, or that he'd tell the best jokes; ( although he thought he did) it was his pants. You always wondered how he kept those things on, they rode so low beacuse he insisted he could still wear the same size pants he did when he was 18, regardless of his stomach size.
 Well, I think some of today's boys have it figured out. they wear their pants exactly as low as the old men did; there will be no getting used to walking weird to keep them up, they already walk that way. In fact, they can run with their britches riding like that. Ok now, I admit I don't have any young men in my house, is there some secret to the pants that I don't know about? Are there hidden suspenders? These poor kids are going to have some messed up hips and backs if they keep wearing those pants like they do.
Not sure which is worse, the uncle fatty wears his pants so low the crotch is past their knees, or the ever popular Fred Mertz look. ( from an old tv show,  I love Lucy for you poor souls that don't know him). Now Fred wore his pants to cover his tummy, right up to his chest! Now if those ever rode low he would have tripped over the crotch of those things.
Ok, Ok, I have to quit thinking about this. It's crazy!!

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