Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

No school today or tomorrow, supposedly for Veteran's day. I think we need to teach our kids what Veteran's Day is set aside for. Not just another day off of school. I heard some seniors planning their days off. One asked why they had there was no school and someone at least knew it was for Veteran's Day, but when he told the rest I heard " Well thanks vets now we can have fun."
I just finished a book about what the people in North Korea are enduring and have endured for generations. The  things we take for granted,such as non-governmental books and TV, growing a garden, mail, even putting pictures on the wall, can land a person in N. Korea life imprisonment. They have no real internet there to even read a silly blog such as this; if they'd even consider wasting their few precious minutes of electricity online.
We have our freedoms because of those before us that were willing to fight for them. Regardless of how any of us feel about the current war, we should still honor those fighting, and also those here that protect us.
There probably aren't too many families in this country that doesn't have a vet somewhere in it's history, remember them today. Maybe realizing someone has stood up for you and fought for you comes with age. I just hope those seniors I overheard learn to appreciate more than a couple of days off of school.

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