Sunday, February 20, 2011


A couple of weeks ago a friend gave Grace a wonderful surprise. The staff at Grace's old elementary school pooled their money and gave her a gift certificate to buy a Nook. We finally made it to Barnes & Noble Friday and Grace is in LOVE!!!!!!!!

 I didn't realize how much she missed casual reading. Grace read at a young age and has always loved books.She used to always have at least one book lying around that she was into. In middle school the students had to read a certain number of books which took a lot of Grace's time, but she loved it.
In high school she's pretty much only read the books assigned to her and we've read them together since holding a book has gotten hard for her to handle for long periods of time. She also has trouble with positioning a book so she can see it well enough to read comfortably. Her spine has been fused and bending to get closer to a page is now impossible. We've gotten a few large print books, but that means the book is then wayyyy to heavy for her to maneuver. Forget trying to hold a bible!
I feel badly that she has been without a way to read on her own. The Nook is a bit heavy for her , but she can prop it up on things and lay in bed with it. It has a tough screen which takes care of the other problem we've faced. If we managed to get a book in a good position for Grace we then had the problem of how does she turn the pages on her own. Usually whatever we had holding the book would prevent page turning. Now there are expensive get ups that hold books, light them and automatically turn pages for a person with limited movement, but they're heavy , and as I said expensive. 
Can't wait to see what other functions the Nook has, I found games on it, but prying it away from Grace to play will be difficult. Guess I better start saving for my own Nook. I think the only way I'll get a chance to use hers is if we manage to get textbooks loaded on it.
Thanks so much to all those staff members that love my girl. You have blessed her in ways you'll never imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Gracie! Yay for the kind people who gave it to her and yay for you for being instrumental in getting it to her. You are awesome Alberta!
