Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday again.........

Happy Monday
This weeks Inchie challenge's focus is  "friends". Don't know why, but friends made me think of my many years teaching preschool. I was wondering when making and keeping friends gets difficult. Preschoolers make friends with just about anyone. They'll pick out the same friends to play with everyday, but they also consider everyone else in their class friends too. I don't know when we start getting so picky about who our friends can be. I think it should be more like those preschool days. As long as someone will share their play dough with you everything is good. Grace is still friends with her best preschool friend. They aren't alike at all, but as opposite as they've become they still find time to talk and would do anything for each  other. I am still friends with my best friend from elementary school, we met in first grade and at times were inseparable. Maybe we should just share our play dough again, life would be simpler.


  1. Cute. I have no play dough to share.

  2. then I'll share mine w/ you :)

  3. Tipi, YOU are a sweetie!! Consider yourself hugged :)

  4. What a lovely thought...we should all share the life of an artist. Smiles. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  5. I love this, both the Inchie, and the thought behind it...:-)

  6. Perfect friends inchie! Well stated and perfectly drawn. Let's get out the play dough.

  7. aww love it and I'll share playdough with you anytime :-)

  8. What a sweet drawing & thought for this week's inch!

  9. I have play dough and will share it with you any time. love you my friend. I love the drawing.
