Monday, April 4, 2011

Singing Inchie

Happy Monday All. This Monday we're focusing on the word "sing."  It's a perfect word for us where I live, it's definitely spring and the birds sing non-stop. While I thought I know what sing meant I looked up it's definition just to see, and was surprised at all the definitions. One of them was  be happy: to rejoice or be extremely happy:
Crazy as this sounds I thought of my sister's chickens. Now most people probably don't think of chickens as singing birds  more like cluckers. My sister lives next door to me our homes are very close we share a backyard area. She has turned the space into her backyard chicken farm. Now I have to tell you that those girls of her are quite proud and happy at egg laying time. You always know when one has produced a prize as she will let the others know she's laid the golden egg. Funny she lays it every day, but that doesn't deter her at all.
So, this is my attempt to represent those singing chickens. By the way, I have also discovered that chickens aren't as easy to draw as I expected. Doesn't look much like any of her chickens: but we'll call it "art" anyway. Good Day everyone!!


  1. I think I see and hear a tweetie bird! Thank you for the smiles and laughter! Peace, Mary helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. You are so funny! Very cute inchie!

  3. I love your singing chicken! LOL! Very playful, indeed! :-)

  4. My Sister has a rooster that sounds like he says my Sister's name so I really can believe that those hens can sing. Your inchie is adorable!
