Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Real Empty Nest?

The Ricardo Family

About eight weeks ago this lovely pair of barn swallows decided that the eve right above our front door was the perfect place to build their mud nest. I knew they were trying to build a nest near the door and I have no idea how they managed to build this thing without our seeing it until it was finished. My husband wanted to knock it down, because having a family "relieving" themselves right above our door was bound to be messy. Being the softy he is, he let me have my little family. I am an I Love Lucy fan and named them Lucy and Ricky. (How could he get rid of them after I'd named them anyway?)

Didn't take long before we heard the little hissing/crying sounds and the four little Ricardos made their first appearance.

They're almost grown here, this is my favorite picture. There really are four of them I just never get a pic of them all.
Yesterday the little Ricardos started venturing out of the nest. This little one has become used to seeing us and will let us come quite close. I was amazed at how both parents stuck close by and fed their little brood. Won't be long before they all abandon the nest and I can knock it down and for the last time clean the GIANT pile of droppings we have had for a welcome mat.

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