Thursday, September 30, 2010


Looks like we'll be staying home the rest of this week. Our wheelchair van is in need of a new fuel pump. Thankfully my hubby can do the work himself, just waiting on the part.
Working from home is always a whole different animal than working at school is. We never have a schedule, just fall into the work and do all we can till we're ready to kill each other. You wouldn't think it'd make any difference since we're together most of the day at school, but somehow doing it at school in the school environment helps us.
Mostly I think it helps for Grace to have her friends near. She's always up to something with someone. Just sitting here at home with me is never as much fun. But thanks to modern technology she's NEVER too far from a friend with her cell phone. So hard to think back to before the internet. When I was in high school there were phone cars that were as big as an ice chest that actually had a cord attached to it. how funny, a time before the internet, texting, social networking, blogs!! We actually had to stay in the same room as the phone and even talk on the phone. I can still hear my dad complaining about me using the phone. Those teen years meant monopolizing the phone for hours. Times have changed, but theres still school work to do, better get to it.

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