Wednesday, January 26, 2011

almost 16

I can hardly believe my girl is going to be 16 tomorrow. I honestly forget I'm not still 16 some days.
Grace has a research paper to work on in English, although it'll be a ton of work her teacher had a great variety of topics to choose from. They were actually topics the kids were interested, not your average " uniforms in school" type of topic.... Grace chose the Zodiac Killer.she's all into the dark side of things lately so this will be a good topic for her, i remember when he was around it was a scary time around here, as we're not far from the area he was.
Homework was light today, Grace had 3 tests today. Have a great evening bday pics tomorrow!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have her read the original book about the Zodiac Killer, I found it fascinating to read and scary since I lived in the bay area during that time. It even mentions Modesto in the book I got it from the library.
