Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Stupid Am I Really??

Today in a couple of classes there were tests/surveys...........whatever you want to call them. They sure looked like multiple choice tests to me, they were given to show the teachers just what the students don't know. I'm assuming ( yes I know one should never assume) they are to help the teacher meet the classes needs.
As I read the questions in the World History class I realized I know next to nothing. My daughter did better than I could have, she's either listened & learned in Middle school or a darn good guesser. Now I know there are different history books and that books give different info, but honestly I don't know who Russia's first,sencond, last imperial rulers were.............maybe I just don't really care? I grew up during the cold war, just knew someone had his finger on that button that would end the world once and for all.
Somehow sitting in these classes makes me wonder why I never had these classes in high school. And how is it that 14 & 15 year olds know so much.
Just occured to me that I should let you guess as to which class I'll learn the most in this school year. Here's the schedule what do you think?
Remember, Grace doesn't have P.E.  I'd probably fail that class!!!!!!

10 English ( advanced)
World History


  1. Well it could be a tie with History and Biology. LOL Your not alone...I don't remember learning that stuff either and I think because there is so much information readily available on TV and the Internet kids do know more then we did.

  2. Hey do you think they'll let you AND Gracie try out for parts in a play in Drama? How cool would that be?!
    Okay so Bio is pretty straightforward -just plant life stuff
    Geography is pretty straightforward
    Photo and Yearbook look fun
    Yep I'm thinking History has to be the worst -yuck!
    hey what happened to Math?
