Wednesday, August 18, 2010

where's my abacus

Learned a couple things today...........I now know where the "unofficial" smoking section is at school. No I didn't witness the smoking, just heard about it.
I also learned how to use a calculator! Yes, a calculator, honestly I thought I knew how to use one before, but the sweet math teacher informed me I was hitting the wrong key. She must think I'm either daft or am so old that I learned to cipher on the original abacus or I counted knuckle bones on our cave floor. Truth is I should have had reading glasses on so I could see which key i was hitting. So with my  red face I  thanked the teacher for her help. As soon I got home I  packed the glasses for tomorrow. Guess my pride got to me. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL I'd probably still be hitting the wrong keys and I do wear glasses! I'm kind of partial to counting knuckle bones on the cave floor myself LOL
